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One Night Stay Monterey Tour Los Angeles See Beaches, Civil War Museums, Cruise Ships, Disney Land, Queen Mary, Universal Studios and Hollywood Save money visit history
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The Monterey Inn "(The Ole Bordello) here, Like Queen Mary, North Shores, Banning Landing Close by and Banning Museum, The Fort Bannings, A Botanical Garden, and many light houses, Beaches Los Angeles, Cruise Ship Terminals, of Course Hollywood.
The Building was and original ports of Call itself for ships and Landing Hotel. Later Bordello. The area also was use in WWII and most sailor and imfamous characters stayed in the Area her and around Beacon Street in San Pedro. Famous for the older movies Charlie Chaplin as well as the background for the Pamela Andrson Movie Barbwire, Man Apart Vin Diesel, Lawrence Tate, ie Kirk Russell, John Travolta, Jason Strathon, Denzel Washington ,and many more shot here like Crash and fight club locations walking distance
please note Hotel in the back ground of most filming like in Barbwire.
100 Percent Deposit 100 % Penalty. Credit Given only on Future Stay based Upon availability. Online booking sites may have 7- 10 day cancellation and imposed penalty .
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